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Showing posts from June 17, 2012

Subclipse Not Working with Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) on Fedora 17

Hi Everybody, I believe that most of the Eclipse lovers might have come across this issue by now. Couple of days back I moved to Fedora 17. As expected it was nice. But SVN function was broken on my Eclipse. Reason was all the svn libraries has been upgraded to version 1.7.5. Therefore all of the tools written to work with svn 1.6 libraries are useless now. You have to upgrade your Subclipse to version 1.8.7 . To do so first you have to uninstall the old Subclipse and related plug-ins from Eclipse and reinstall them using the Marketplace client which is so easy. Make sure you install the JavaHL Native Library Adapter (v1.7.4) for SVN too. You May easily do it with Yum (on RedHat based) or Aptitude (On Dabian based) Fedora users need to install the subversion-javahl package ( # yum install subversion-javahl ) Debian (Ubuntu) users need to install the libsvn-java package ( # aptitude install libsvn-java ) Not just that. If you are planing to stick to SVN 1.7 then you have...